Monday, June 22, 2009


After much consideration, Cassidy and I have decided to post the majority of future puppy updates (or pup-dates) on our blog rather than on the CDP Blog. This is mainly spurred on by the fact that the puppies are changing daily, and we have so much that we can post, we would over power the main intent of the CassidyDawn Blog.
So, since her last update, the pups have had their first and second adventures outside to the grass (we'll have some video of it the next time) and have begun to really get the hang of walking. We go out in the morning and usually find one or two who have ventured out into the garage to find a nice cool place on the cement to sleep. They are much more vocal and responsive because their ears are opening up. This means that we have to be quieter with things like opening the garage door and starting until they can see and hear better so that they don't develop fears of loud noises.
They will be three weeks old on Thursday, which means we will begin to introduce some water and moistened puppy chow to begin the weaning process. Hopefully they will be fully weaned by the end of 6 weeks. They will also be getting their first "collars" this week in the form of ribbon. We have eleven different colors so that we can begin to track weight and behaviors and ensure that we spend enough quality 1-on-1 time with each of the puppies. So stay tuned for more videos - they're wrestling and wagging their tails now!
Here are a few from last Friday that show them learning to howl, bark, and otherwise be noisy.

This first one is Cassidy's favorite:

Snuggling Puppies:

Mama wakes them for lunch & they start barking:


Unknown said...

I love the last cute! Can't wait to meet them!

bobbfamily said...

Oh my adorable!!!!! W