Ok, so I know we have been awful at blogging...but what can I say...it's been crazy around here! We are down to just one puppy now, Sayid, and he's not going anywhere...unless it's on a car ride, he loves those! I thought it would be best to start updates from where I left off, so here are a couple pictures and a video of when Justin got home on the 17th. I'll share pictures of all the puppies with their new owners soon!
This is the first time they have seen each other in two weeks!
*it's so crazy to watch these videos now that we've only got one here...wow, that was a lot of puppies. We sure do miss them!!!
Miss Cassidy officially can't handle our crazy little personalities and rambunctious tendencies by herself anymore...but give her a break...there are a lot of us. She's done great, but we know she's excited for Justin to come home after being gone for 2 weeks - we've changed *a lot*. We expect to see a lot of him when he gets back. love, the puppies
Just imagine what happens when she comes into the pin...
Ok, so the last post wasn't comptely correct. We now need a home for Peach...so if you are interested, or know of someone who is...please email me (cassidy {at} cassidydawn.com) Thanks!!! *She's super sweet & super lovable!!!
I just wanted to post a quick update to say that all the puppies now have homes! I am so excited!!! Thank you to everyone who is taking them in...they are going to love their new homes!
I will post more photos & videos soon, just super busy! Oh, and I hope to get a photo of each pup with their new family, so I'll be sure to update with those too :)
Just wanted to share a couple videos that I took today. They are all doing so well...and growing fast! I think they entered the "play phase" in full force today - they're soo cute! We only have 3 more that haven't been placed with homes just yet...so if you want on the list, please let me know...blog readers get priority :) (we are finding homes for Lemon, Not Josh & Bruno...)
Cassidy here. I just wanted to update you all with a formal meeting of each of our pups. We've posted the names and why they have them, videos, and random pictures...but it's time to meet each one. I've been wanting to get portraits of each puppy for a while, so yesterday Justin, Whitney & I put these little guys into a kiddy pool for the first time and cleaned them up so they would be ready for their first professional photo shoot...they all did so well.
Also, today marks a very important day for these little ones...they are officially 1 month old! We have had the very best time taking care of them and playing with them...I can't believe it's been a month! Justin is leaving on Sunday for 2 weeks for a Journalism Fellowship...he has also been the primary care-taker of them. Needless to say, I don't know what I am going to do without him here. He goes out multiple times a day (while I am working away in the office) and holds them, cleans up and makes sure they are all fed. So the next two weeks are going to be quite a challenge for me, I mean, come on...there are 11 of them! More so, I am sad that when he gets back they will be about ready to head off to their new homes. He loves playing with them, and it's going to be sad when they all head off, especially since he'll be missing 2 weeks with them. That brings me to my next point... If anyone wants to be put on the list for a possible home, please email me...we have some great homes lined up, but they all don't have places just yet. They will be ready to head out the last week of July...so if you are puppy ready...let me know! *you can email your preference, but we can't guarantee that's who you will get...but trust me, they are all absolutely wonderful!
Hope you have a wonderful 4th of July...and I promise to *try* and update often!
We wanted to show a picture of the new home of these little pups...it's like a puppy palace (compared to what they were used to). Special thanks to Macy for helping make this possible...we couldn't have done it without you!
They now have a sleeping area, play area, and another (obvious) area. We are working on getting down which is which...but a few are doing very, very well...considering we are on day 3!
Yesterday was my niece, Maddie's, 7th birthday. Cassidy and I went out to lunch with her and her parents yesterday, so that's were the picture came from.
Her party is tonight. In honor of the occasion, I thought I would share my favorite picture of the two of us, taken when she was really young.
Here are some more pictures of the pups in their new exercise pen while we worked on building them a new puppy palace (more pics of that tomorrow).
In this pic above, you have Bruno (orange) standing in the middle. I can't tell who the others are (sorry Macy).
This one is just a big group of all eleven of them looking at the camera.
Here you little Pinky pushing her head out trying to escape.
In this one, Lemon is licking the pen while the others crowd around.
Here you have another close up with Violet in the center, but because I can't see their collars, I don't know who the others are.
Now, for some videos:
Pinky & Violet both want to see how the pen tastes. They both might be going to good homes in Kentucky.
Here, Pinky looks so sweet, and then she attacks!
Here's a quiet video of them all playing.
These last two are from last weekend when our friend Meg was visiting. You'll hear her in the background of the first video.
Josh is warming up his howling voice...he's going to make a great city dog that all the neighbors will love...Good luck Matt & Chelsea. ;)
This is by far my favorite video. I wanted to capture the growling, and then show you how playful she was being. Oh, and by the way, I think this was Pinky before we got the collar on her. Just remember Macy, she was playing. ;)
Enjoy, and I promise to post some pictures and video from their new pen tomorrow.
Like I was. I moved every thing a little too early. I am still trying to figure out some of the kinks over on wordpress, so I am still going to update here on this blog. Sorry.
For my fellowship next week, we have to blog. The group blog is on wordpress, so I decided to move the blog over there because I had to create a new blog. You can find the promised video post over there. Please forgive the fact that the video embedding didn't work, but there are links to each video.
After three weeks of the insane game of "which puppy are you?" we finally put 'collars' on the pups. We were very lucky to find eleven different colors of ribbon, and they are now color coded. The pic above shows our list that we use to keep track of what color goes with what gender. The collars also provided a good way for us to refer to them, so we now a list of names that we use. We have tried to keep it as generic as possible so that we don't fall even more in love with them all, but we also wanted to be somewhat creative. Here's the list (color - name - brief description):
Light Blue - Sayid - This black male is ours. We picked him out almost right after he came out of the womb. He has a big head and a big wrinkly face, which we hope foreshadows a big dog to help watch over our little cabin.
Red - Josh - This little yellow male is special to us. He's the one that she buried (i.e. the runt). If you haven't heard Josh's story, I'll give you more details later. He's being adopted by Cassidy's sister, Chelsea, to go try and mellow out their other dog, Cooper.
Explorer (dark) Green - Magellan - This little black male got his name from the famous explorer. Since he learned to walk, he has been all over the garage. For a few days it was a game to see where he would be sleeping when we went out in the morning.
Pink - Pinky - She is the sweetest little yellow female. She is quiet, but she loves to play with her brothers and sisters. She also likes to lick toes and the gates on the pen.
Blue - Not Josh - This is the other small yellow male. For the longest time (before the collars) we had to look really close to find the differences between him and Josh, so we started calling them Josh and Not Josh. I know - real original. He is very sweet and likes to be held.
Yellow - Yellow or Lemon - We haven't really come up with a temporary name for this yellow female. She is big and loves to romp. Call her Lemon when she is with the lime green girl, who I call Lime.
Lime Green - Lime - She is another playful yellow female. She likes to roll other puppies and then pounce on them. She also likes to block out her siblings when she is at the food bowl.
Purple - Violet - A sweet big yellow female. She likes to explore with Magellan recently, and she found out that if mom is eating, she's now big enough to reach her "food" on mom's belly.
Peach - Georgia Peach - What's not to like about this big yellow girl? She hangs out with Bruno (orange), and likes to charge at her siblings or your feet and then hope backwards. She also likes to eat.
White - Clancy - This black male is the baby. He is the last pup that was born and survived. He is super sweet, and loves to sleep in the corner created by the cabinet in the garage. He got his name from Cassidy's mom, who really wants to take him home but can't.
Orange - Bruno - This is the BIG boy. He's yellow male who sleeps with his head between his paws, which causes his face to wrinkle up. Although his is big, he is not overly aggressive. He likes to nibble and chew, but he snuggles when he is held.
There's the update for now. I'll probably post more updates today because I leave for a 2 week journalism fellowship on Sunday. The other posts will have more pictures, but here's a few to tide you over (Macy-wink wink).