As you know, I'm married to an amazing photographer (and that's not biased at all). For those of you who read her
blog, you get to see the wonderful pictures that she takes of kids, families, seniors, couples, and queens (that last one will be coming soon - you'll have to check it out). With her being a photographer, you would assume that we have pictures of everything we do. Well, you know the old adage about assuming, and I have to tell you that we don't have a ton of pictures, but we have some of some pretty cool things that don't always make it onto Cassidy's blog. To solve the problem of people wanting pictures from the camping trip, graduations, and parties we took pictures at, we set up a gallery on Picasa, and the link is located in the side bar to the right. The current hot item over there that you will want to see is pictures from the farm house we will be renting starting tomorrow. We have been in there cleaning the past couple of days, and we are slowly going to be moving things in over the next week. Go check out the pictures of the house and other events that have taken place recently.
In other news, I finally found out what I will be teaching in the fall - Sophomore English. This means I will have my cousin Megan in class. Yep, that's what I thought until Megan called me tonight to tell me that she got her schedule, and I am not listed as teaching sophomores. Oh well, I guess I'll have to go to the school tomorrow and get the information once and for all, or until it changes again. Either way, I'm excited to get back in the classroom.
Finally, my college roommate Seth is coming for a visit this weekend. He arrives sometime tomorrow and will leave whenever. I'm excited he's coming, and this means he can help us move ;). Anyways, things seem to be shaping up for a great weekend.